Saturday, September 1, 2007

PC World: What the iCar Could Look Like

Tom Spring at PC World has posted some "concept" representations of the iCar.
This writer, who now wishes to be known as "No iCar," prefers Chris Riley's representations (one of his images at left) of this seminal product; however, one must be open minded about the future, even an old Luddite.
As resident Luddite and extreme technophobe, No iCar is astounded at how artists have drawn this not-yet product. Whatever happened to the opulence of the 1970's (before the manufactured oil "crisis"), when automobiles were long and sleek with vinyl tops and opera windows?
Ahhhh, the good old days...
But I digress.
Now it seems as though cars must be designed as minimalist blocks of fibre glass, filled with enough technology to make NASA drool.
Must everyone be plugged into something? One might as well implant electrodes in every newborn's head, just cutting to the chase, and develop plug-in portals on various locations on the infant's head.
Why not? It worked on Star Trek: "You will comply" could become our new advertising buzzword slogan.
No iCar remembers a time when (1) big black telephones, tethered by a cord, had rotary dials and no cellphones existed (2) Apple was just a piece of fruit or a recording company (3) iPod, iMac, and iPhone were unfortunate misspellings, (4) and everyone drove a stick shift--No iCar still does.
But I digress again.
This is what reporter Spring found:

Cute! But how does one drive this little iMouse iCar?

OOOOhhh. The Apple iSchool iBus!
Hmmmm...The Apple iTube

No Car's favorite!!! Apple's iApple

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